Monday 9 February 2015

MONDAY ... Again!!!

So along came Monday ... I was awake and tossing so I got up at 03h50 and caught up on Facebook, showered and ready to be out the door at 05h50.  

When I dropped Connor at the bus stop I tried to capture the Sunrise ... This photo does not do it justice!!!

 There's a saying that just popped into my head ... "The best laid schemes of mice and men" so I went to Wikipedia and this is what it says ... which means that the most carefully prepared plans may go wrong ... And did my plans go wrong today!!!!

I had a HUGE return I had planned on getting done today ... got to my desk at 06h15 and got started with my usual morning routine and then my phone rang and showed my friend Linda Wood's number so I answered ... that was my first mistake of the day!!!!! She says "Hold on for your boss" and on comes Philisiwe who says "I am sending you a spreadsheet, please tidy it up, read the citations and it needs to be in by 9"... now this is 07h50.  It took me until 14h00 to sort this out when I had to go into a meeting!!! So down the drain with a loud gurgling sound went my plans for the day!!!

Connor was staying late at college so I took the opportunity to catch up on the other stuff that also went by the wayside ... but not the HUGE return!!!!  My friend Petrus had sent me a Vanilla Coke last week and thankfully I hadn't taken it out my bag so I snacked on a cookie and coke while working.

I left the office at 17h45 and fetched Connor and we managed to get these shots of the sunset ...

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