Monday 7 July 2014

Pizza Dinner and The Zoo

Funny faces!!!!
After the canopy tour Connor and I both felt like pizza and we asked Dad and Nan if they wanted to join us for dinner.  We went past Casa Rossi but they had a private function so our next stop was at Torino's.  They had live music and unfortunately the smoking section was opened into the rest of the restaurant ... horrific!!!! I detest smoking and to have to eat with that stench wafting all around us was unpleasant to say the least and the live music was much too loud for such a small venue.  I would have loved to complain about the food and service ... however they were both great.
Byron enjoying his first Dom Pedro.
Connor and Byron enjoying a Dom Pedro
My hunny and Mom

""Cheers hunny!!!

On our way home from the Canopy Tour we drove past the Johannesburg Zoo and Connor said "I'd like to go there again" and Byron said "Kayla keeps saying she wants to go to the Zoo" so my mind went into planning mode ... On Sunday morning I asked Byron to check with Kayla if her parents could drop her off at our house.  Mom asked if she could go to the casino and after dropping her off I messaged Wendy and asked if her and the boys wanted to join us at The Zoo (they were a bit shocked that Connor wanted to go to the Zoo for his 19th birthday!) and an hour later we were all at Cafe Fino at Johannesburg Zoo having lunch.  After lunch the kids went off to walk around The Zoo while "the grown ups" enjoyed another leisurely latte and then did a mini walk-about.

Here are some photos to share ...
I was amazed at this little goat standing in the middle of the feeder eating ... he was in there for at least half an hour.
I love strelitzia's ... They are a flowers answer to a peacock.

We were hysterical at this monkey ... his hand between his legs was pulling his willy and he was not bothered that we were staring at him.
Liam Jarod Connor & Byron

My beautiful boy
As Connor gets older his relationship with Wendy gets better

Lovebirds at the Zoo ... Kayla & Byron

Cutie pie ... Liam Loubser

Mr Muscles a.k.a. Jarod
Liam calls Connor "Condor" so of course I had to take a photo of this because I couldn't get a good shot of the bird...

The Common Old Garden Variety kitty!!!
We couldn't see Bongo at first ... and then we found him ... in the bushes!!!

and then he appeared ... looked like he could be injured.
Eeeeeek ... This guy was hanging around outside!!!

I just love the look of these stairs.

These guys were just hanging around.

I actually heard this Laughing Kookaburra laugh

This gentleman is a volunteer who helps with the gorgeous owls
Definitely not dressed for a walk around the Zoo ... a few minutes later we saw her with little flats on.
Chocolate face ... after eating mini doughnuts

At the Zoo ... this = LOVE for me!!!
After the Zoo we popped past Wendy for a cuppa coffee and the guys came home with us and after a "create your own breadroll dinner" they got a mattress out and braved the cold on the patio and played playstation games.

All in all a wonderful day for all.


  1. Ah boys. I just love em. I miss having a house full of boys all excited and happy and eating everything in sight. I would be totally freaked out if I saw that snake just loose and out. There is no way I would hang around!!

    1. It is overwhelming for me when I have a lot of kids in the house having only had one myself but I think I cope rather well. I wanted to run in the opposite direction but I think the zoo guy said that he is rather lethargic because of his size. We did walk away rather quickly though.

  2. The things that are done without too much planning always turns out the best. You all look so happy.

    1. I was so happy that Wendy decided to be spontaneous on Sunday ... we had a lovely time.
