Saturday, 15 February 2020


My hunny could eventually open his eyes on Thursday
12 - 14 February 2020: My hunny spent time in Flora Clinic after being hit really hard by a viral inner ear infection.  I really did get the fright of my life when he called me to say "You need to find me, I am very sick" and when I asked him where he was he said "somewhere in Krugersdorp".  He eventually managed to explain to me where he was and I rushed out there to fetch  him and get him to the hospital.  I couldn't drive the extra 30km's to the Mulbarton Hospital as he was just goo sick so that is how we landed up at Flora Clinic.

The staff at the Flora Clinic were absolutely AMAZING!!!!   Especially Nurse Frank in the emergency room.

When I called Connor he dropped tools and flew through to meet us there.  Dylan and Courteney came through after work and Dylan helped out with getting Richie's car from Krugersdorp to the hospital.  

The client that my hunny was seeing just before he fell ill very kindly called to find out if everything was OK as their security showed him footage of me fetching my hunny and leaving his car outside their premises.  When Connor and Dylan went to fetch the car they quizzed about what I looked like and what car I drive before they would allow them to take the car - now that was a pleasant surprise.

Knuth Machine Tools were awesome and were only concerned about his health ... not like most places who call and ask when you are coming back to work they said "Your health is what is important".  We were really bowled over by this as my hunny only started working there at the beginning of November 2019.

My boss was very supportive as well - Thanks Jay!!!!


  1. So glad he is so much better, gave us all a fright!

  2. So happy that Richie is on the mend gosh you must have been so frightened. God is kind to us xx
