Sunday 6 April 2014

The proud owner of a Turkish Fez!

My hubby and two colleagues accompanied some of their customers to Turkey to visit their supplier there.  I asked Connor to take a photo of the two of us and as he was going to take the first one Richard leaned in front of me giggling ... I love photos of him when he smiles properly!!

After a hectic and emotionally charged day at work I rushed off to take him to the airport ... He had to be there at 15h30 so after having his bags wrapped and checking in we had a quick dinner and then he was off.  With the recent Malaysia Air disaster I prayed really hard that he would arrive safely ~ I was relieved when I received his call the next morning to say they had arrived safely.

After a REALLY stressful 3 weeks at work I woke up the next morning feeling washed out and as I had an appointment at the doctor later that afternoon I decided to work at home.  The doctor booked me off for the rest of the week but nonetheless I still worked every day.

Saturday eventually arrived and Connor and I rushed off to the airport to meet my hunny ... I missed him soooooo badly!!!!  Connor and I were so busy watching the reactions of people as their loved ones arrived that we didn't see Richard and Carl come walking out and the next thing I heard "Who are you waiting for?" and it was my hunny standing next to me.

We stopped at Vida @ the airport for a cuppa coffee ~ Connor is an absolutely Dr Who groupie and Dad brought him a fez home ... He was delighted with this gift and of course my camera was right there to capture these photos.


Connor also got an interesting spinning top which was sold by a really old lady outside a temple.  I got a gorgeous light blue pashmina and Mom got Turkish Delight.

Later that afternoon we were sitting on the patio and heard the sounds of a band and as we opened the gate to investigate I saw this amazing grasshopper ...

We walked round the corner and found this boy's band playing their hearts out ... they were collecting money for a trip to a festival in Cape Town.  We were very sad when we heard them much later that evening still out doing their thing ~ as you can see some of the members are little boys and they would have been exhausted after walking through the neighbourhood playing their instruments.

As you can imagine I slept REALLY well on last night!

1 comment:

  1. Loved your photo filled post. Glad your hubby had safe travels.
