Tuesday, 3 January 2012

First Working Day of 2012 ... done and dusted!!!

This morning was absolutely smooth sailing all the way to the office ... it took me about 20 minutes from my front door to my desk.  I worked for an hour and a bit and then drove through to the Woolies Cafe in Woodmead to have breakfast with my special friend Roz ~ she is still on holiday and it is her birthday tomorrow so I wanted to give her her birthday gift.  I had a breakfast of low GI toast with mature cheddar cheese and roasted tomatoes and a wonderful fresh juice of carrots, apple and ginger.  When we were finished catching up we went into Woolies and Roz bought me a beautiful white skirt for my birthday ~ I will wear it on my birthday and take a photo of my outfit for the day and share it.  I got back to my desk and got to grips with some of the things there and then Richard passed by and I took him for a quick sarmie in the canteen.  I stayed at the office until 17h30 and as I was packing up I decided that seeing as I had my camera with me I would take some photos of my desk and share them here.

I love coming into the office in the morning to a tidy desk.  So here goes ...
My desk, ready for another day's work.

My pin board ... I always keep it 100% organised.
 Some of the things on my pinboard are ...
>  My telephone list which I updated today and added MY WORD
    FOR 2012 ... CONSISTENT;
> FROG ~ Forever Rely on God
> A photo of my precious boys
> A verse to remind me that life is too short to wake up with regrets
> Some primary school photos of Connor ~ which remind me daily to
   'keep in touch' with him as he is growing up so fast.

A number of years ago when I worked at our Head Office in Sandton my friend Alison came past my desk one day and left a note on my desk which read "I came past to say hello.  Your desk is disgustingly neat and tidy.  I live in a constant state of envy".  I have kept this note in my diary and each time I see it I giggle.

I hope you enjoyed this virtual tour of my desk.  I am off now to sort out my scrapbooking desk ... Tonight is the night that it is going to be SORTED!!!  Sleep tight everyone and see you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Well I have no option but to agree with Alison - your desk is digustingly neat. Hope you achieve all you're hoping to in 2012.
