Thursday, 21 March 2013

Family Fun Day

Today is a public holiday (Human Rights Day) in South Africa ~ as we work in the Retail world it was the perfect day for our Region's Family Fun Day as more staff could attend as the bank is closed on public holidays. 

The venue was Fun Valley in Eldorado Park ~ I was not too enthused to go to a work function on my day off (as all I wanted to do was sleep) but being a loyal subject I packed up a little cooler bag with extra cooldrinks and some crisps and sweets and off Connor and I went (we left Dad at home to work in the garage as he has LOTS of work to do and orders to fill). 
I said that I was only going to go for a short while ~ We arrived at 10h30 and left at 3 which shows my level of enjoyment ~ The venue was surprisingly nice and everything was very relaxed (my only complaint is that there were not enough dustbins and our staff littered terribly ~ I am always amazed that although we work for a "green" bank our staff do not live that way). 
We spent the day with my colleague Delphine, her husband Lucky and their two gorgeous girls Lekeisha and Phoebe.
I managed to spend some time with my Area Manager from Rivonia Arterial, Eddie McGilton and his son Zach ~ who is a very cute and VERY serious little man.  Eddie's wife Ziska and older son Ethan could unfortunately not be there ~ Ethan was sadly diagnosed with lymphoma on 5 Januay 2013 and was in hospital for a while recently due to some complications from chemo and they need to keep him safe from getting infections. 

There was popcorn and candyfloss for the kids.  I am the biggest kid when it comes to fresh candy floss and my colleague Johan's daughter heard me saying how much I love it and the next thing they were next to me with a bag of candyfloss for me. 

Later in the day I went with Connor to the stand where they were making the candyfloss and the guy making it was covered in bits of flyaway candyfloss ... it looked like he had on a fluffy cap so I had to take a photo of him ... and as you can see he was VERY happy to oblige.  While we were standing there us grown-ups were catching flyaway pieces and eating it ... I felt like an absolute kid!!!

There is a beautiful river that runs through the resort and I caught a lovely photo of Connor at the river.

On our way home we popped past The Glen as Connor wanted to check if BT Games had received their stock of DeadSpace 2 and he was delighted when he found it in stock.  He then took me for a cuppa coffee at Fego and then obliged me by walking around the shops so I could get an Easter gift for my scrapping girls as we are spending Saturday and Sunday together.

When we got home I was totally exhausted but Bandit was ready to play "catch"in the back yard ~ He has a terribly deflated and chewed up mini rugby ball which we kick and he goes flying around the yard to fetch it and bring it back.

Today was the ideal opportunity for me to try and get a good photo of him ... and this one shows this dog with the most amazing character and his poor ball (this is not the first ball he has that looks like this!!!).  I really adore this little man.
While I was playing with Bandit I saw this part of the sunset ... Absolutely gorgeous!!!

I hope you have all had a Teriffic Thursday ... I am off to watch Blue Bloods and knit a couple of rows and then I will sort out some photos to have printed while they have a fantastic special at Digital Eye.

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