Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Today was spent in a full day meeting.  By the end of the meeting I was getting terribly irritated with people who were adding no value.  We then went to fetch young Master Gladwin's report ~ hmmmmm!!!  Some hard work ahead for this young man.

On my little sister's blog I saw these "Meet Me On Monday" questions ... not sure how to do a link but will figure that out as I muddle my way through "blogland".  Thought I would answer them anyways.  Here goes ...

1.  Caesar Salad or Garden Salad? Caesar Salad

Did some scrapbooking on the weekend ... Here are some pages to share ...

Zebras close up at Groenkloof Nature Reserve in Pretoria.

My precious scrapbooking buddies.

Sisters by birth, friends by choice.

2.  Will you be watching the Royal Wedding on April 29th? I am an undercover Royalist ~ So I think I will watch at least part of it.
3.  Last thing you spent lots of money on? My recent Creative Memories order.
4.  Window seat or aisle seat? Definitely window ... love to see what is going on outside.
5.  Do you know your blood type?  O- ... very important blood type as it is compatible with any other blood type.

1 comment:

  1. Oh joy - another layout to C.A.S.E. I am writing a list of photos to print (at least the events) and WILL be doing some work on layouts in the next days.
